A tricycle for children – what is it, why do you need it, how old to use it?

Not long ago, in our country no one had even heard of such a device for children as a treadmill. At first, the attitude to it was skeptical, and many parents preferred to immediately buy a child a bicycle, skipping the stage of riding on a treadmill. However, over time, the benefits of using such transport became more and more evident, and today a children’s tricycle has become a common and practical device, which is not inferior in popularity to scooters and tricycles.

What is a tricycle

If primitive, it is a bicycle without pedals. It is also called a rangbike, shagovel, veloped, velokat, etc. Sometimes you can also meet such names as “balance bike” or “velobalancer. We have the popularity of A-tricycle-for-children—what-is-it–why-do-you-need-it–how-old-to-use-it-ov just beginning to gain momentum – in Europe, they have long displaced from the market 3-and 4-wheeled bicycles for children.

At first glance it seems that this device is completely useless, because the child can simply put on a tricycle, so he learned to ride as it should. In fact, it is very difficult for a child to perform these actions at the same time: to pedal, balance and steer. And the design of the treadmill allows you to learn to perform all the tasks consistently.

What children need it for

First of all, for a balanced and consistent physical and mental development of a child. When your child has grown, learned to walk and even run with confidence, you want to put him on a bicycle, but you can not do this yet, because the child is not physically ready for such loads. Consequently, we need the so-called intermediate stage, which is a Cross-country—what-it-is–nuances bike. What does it do? The benefits of using it are many:

  • the vestibular apparatus develops;
  • the coordination of movements improves;
  • the child’s legs are under optimal strain;
  • practicality: a child will ride a treadmill much longer than on a bicycle, and this means that during a walk, mom will not have to carry it in her hands;
  • the child learns to keep his balance;
  • evenly distributes the load on the muscular corset.

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And the most important advantage is that children like it. Kids already want to sit on a scooter or bike, but the inability to operate them is very frustrating. A treadmill is just the thing – sat down and rushed with the wind.

At what age is it acceptable to use

How old can I use a Cross-country—what-it-is–nuances bike? No one can give you specific recommendations. Everything is strictly individual, as well as the development of the child. This is a factor that should be based on: if the kid walks and runs with confidence, you can move on to the next stage of development.


There are rocking platforms for the smallest, to which is attached a treadmill. It can already rock a one-year-old child to gradually get used to the new way of moving by playing. A child can move independently on a treadmill from 1.5-2 years, that is, as soon as he begins to confidently control legs and body position. The upper age limit – 6-7 years, that is, for schoolchildren treadmills do not practically produce. And there is no need as such – children at the age of 4-5 years are usually able to freely ride three-wheeled or even two-wheeled bicycles.

Is a tricycle safe?

The faster the transition from one mode of transport to another, the faster the child develops. At an early age, children have no fear of the unknown – it is necessary to use, accustoming the baby to a new way of transportation. Even a fall from the treadmill will be forgotten as soon as mom blows on the wound. In addition, having mastered the treadmill, the child understands that he is now moving much faster than on his own feet.

Instructions for learning

First of all, take care of the child’s safety. A helmet is a mandatory element of protection. Falling even from such a small height can cause a concussion or fracture of the cervical spine. So do not neglect this rule. If the child does not want to wear it, try to gently convey to the baby the need for a protective accessory. Allow your child to choose the model he likes.

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When teaching a child, many parents try to keep the baby from falling by holding the treadmill. This is wrong – you can hold the child, but not transport. In the process of learning, the child should feel the inclination of the bicycle when falling and try to control the situation. Holding the treadmill, parents do not allow you to feel the behavior of the transport, which makes it much more difficult to learn. If you want to reassure your child, you can hold him by his jacket or shirt or just put your hand on his shoulder.

What are the benefits for children and parents

Let’s start with the parents. With a treadmill you get around a lot more stores than on foot or by bicycle. The child is not as tired and much more willing to follow his mother. In addition, if the baby does get tired, a rangbike is much easier to carry than a bicycle.

We have already talked about the benefits of a bicycle for children – this device allows you to train the vestibular apparatus, improve coordination and faster mastering of the bicycle in the future.

Rating of the best treadmills

Chillafish BMXie

Choosing a child a particular model, you need to focus on the parameters of the baby (its height and weight) and the level of fitness. Buy three- or four-wheeled treadmills makes no sense – they do not provide the necessary load. We have compiled a rating of the best models with detailed characteristics, so you can choose the most suitable option for your child:

  1. Chillafish BMXie. Height from 80 cm, the maximum load – 35 kg. The cost – from 4500 rubles. The design features a solid double frame, there is a footrest and the ability to adjust the height of the seat without auxiliary tools. The model features an attractive appearance. As for the disadvantages, it can be noted a relatively large weight and the inability to adjust the height of the handlebar.
  2. Puky LR M. Height from 85 cm, the maximum load – 25 kg. Cost – from 7000 rubles. Among the advantages of the model can be noted a relatively small weight (3.3 kg), quality wheel bearings, a comfortable seat and a wide footrest. There is also a protective pad against impact on the steering wheel. As for the disadvantages, many users noted too low a footrest – often clings to the curbs.
  3. Chillafish Bunzi. Height from 75 cm, the maximum load – 25 kg. Cost – about 4000 rubles. Quite a common model, which is characterized by its low weight (only 2 kg), rubberized wheels, the presence of a trunk and a handle for carrying. At the same time has restrictions on adjusting the height of the saddle (in stock 20-25 cm).
  4. Cruzee Ultralite Balance Bikes. Growth of 60 cm, the maximum load – 25 kg. Cost – from 7000 rubles. The advantages of this model are low weight (2 kg), a large height margin, the presence of a footrest, as well as a wide variety of colors. The cost – perhaps the only disadvantage noted by buyers.
  5. Strider 12 Sport. Height from 72 cm, the maximum load -27 kg. The cost – from 8500 rubles. This is a relatively light model (2.9 kg), presented in seven color options. You can install additional brakes and skis, which significantly expands the scope of the treadmill. Among the disadvantages – high cost and solid tires, which, however, can easily be replaced by an inflatable.

Choosing a suitable model for your kid, “try on” a bicycle. Pay attention to the child’s sitting position – the back should be straight. A child’s feet should not just reach the ground, but confidently push off the surface.


Ranbike or treadmill – this is a practical and convenient solution that allows you to prepare your child to ride an ordinary bicycle. With this transport, the baby learns to keep the balance and at the same time manage it. Reasonable price treadmills allow you to buy this device while the child has not yet learned to ride a tricycle or regular bike.

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Comments: 2
  1. Camille Lynch (автор)

    We bought the treadmill when my son was two years old. Everyone is happy with it. My son enjoys running, his energy is through the roof. The muscles are developing and the arms and legs are moving. He quickly learned how to balance.

  2. Morgan Tran (автор)

    I myself do not know how to ride a bike oddly enough, but the child purchased a three-wheeled first, and then a two-wheeled treadmill. He learned to keep his balance quickly, and he’s happy as hell.

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