MTR Bicycles – Varieties and Best Models

The current range of two-wheelers is impressive. The market offers consumers models not only from foreign, but also from domestic manufacturers. As an example, we can cite the Altair bicycles. If foreign cars can afford not everyone, the Russian companies producing budget bikes, meet the needs of the average consumer.

Today we will talk about MTR bikes – models that have occupied a niche in the budget segment. The domestic company’s products are designed for novice cyclists and those who do not care about branded bike equipment.

History of the bicycle brand MTR

MTR logo

MTR is a Russian company that produces quite affordable two-wheeled transport. The main advantage of MTR products is the low price. Consequently, the bikes of the Russian brand can be afforded by everyone. On average, the manufacturer asks 7-9 thousand rubles for a MTR bike. Another plus of bicycle products is a cute design. Despite the fact that the quality of assembly of some models and their equipment leave much to be desired, in the model range there are a couple of relatively good models, which will be able to appreciate the novice cyclists.

There are a lot of nuances, but the company promptly responds to the comments of consumers, trying to eliminate them in the next line of bicycles. MTR bikes are equipped with budget Chinese equipment. There can be little information about the origin of the transmission. The canopy works properly, but not for long. The most unpleasant thing is that the failure can happen at the most inopportune moment – in the morning no mechanism or unit did not cause suspicion, and in the afternoon or at night the transmission “has ordered a long life”. But there is the other side of the coin – repair and replacement of parts will be inexpensive, which means that MTR bikes can be used as a good basis, with which you can assemble a bike with your own hands.

Heavy, but cheap steel is used as the frame material. It should be noted that the weight of some models reaches 20 kg. It would seem that durability should be high, but it is not – the low quality of seams, forks and other components makes MTR bicycles absolutely unsuitable transport for off-road and extreme loads. However, as the popular wisdom says: “For every Makar there is a Havronya. This means that the MTR brand range can meet the needs of a particular category of cyclists, such as those who are just beginning to learn the love of two-wheeled transport.

Varieties of bikes

Great diversity in the range of the Russian company can not be found. The catalog of bicycles is represented by the standard categories of bikes, which can be found in almost every manufacturer. If we analyze the proposals of online stores, we can distinguish three main categories of MTR bicycles:

  • city models;
  • mountain bikes;
  • Children’s and teenage bikes.
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Of course, in the greatest variety are mountain bikes, among which there are hardtails and two-pods. The cost of the most expensive model does not exceed 12 thousand, which once again indicates the availability of MTR products. The frames of all mountain models are made of steel, the attachments are of low quality – these bikes will be an excellent option for teenagers and those for whom the quality of mechanisms does not play a fundamental role.

City bikes are quite unremarkable instances that will be suitable for leisurely walks around town. You should not expect any unique characteristics from these bikes – they are practical and relatively reliable units, which allow you to move around town. Comfortable seating ensures the comfort of the rider while riding, and 28-inch wheels are responsible for good rolling. Models are equipped with a roomy luggage rack and a basket at the front. This just means that MTR bikes are a good companion for shopping and picnics in park areas.

There are not many bikes for the younger generation in the range of the Russian brand – only two models on 20-inch and 24-inch wheels. In fact, this is the most ordinary road singlesplide on a primitive frame, equipped with a rear foot brake. For the boys riding around the yard, this is the best option. Bikes are compactly folded, so storage bike will not cause difficulties.

And now let’s go on the running models that most often buy our compatriots.

Popular models

MTR Harpoon

Despite the fact that MTR bicycles are not distinguished by high quality assembly, do not demonstrate high rates of reliability and durability, and a complete set causes skeptical comments from experienced riders – the products of the Russian brand have their admirers. In the first place, these are those for whom a bicycle is just a means of transportation. Therefore, it is worth designating a few copies, which, with proper maintenance and timely care will wrench a few seasons:

  • MTR Harpoon. One of the best-selling models and almost the only bike in the range, assembled on an aluminum frame. The first thing that catches the eye of the potential owner is the unusual spoke wheels. It is unlikely that this feature can be called a special feature that improves the technical performance of the bike – it is more of a marketing ploy to attract attention. Nevertheless, this detail looks very impressive. Features include mechanical disc brakes and a Shimano rear derailleur, twin aluminium rims and a 21-speed transmission.
  • MTR Las Velas. The women’s model of bicycles from the Russian manufacturer MTR is called by such a spectacular name. In fact, this is the most common bike, which is suitable for walks around town and its surroundings. Expect from this copy of endurance and high Cross-country—what-it-is–nuances ability on off-road is not worth it. The model is equipped with 28-inch wheels, providing good rolling, rear rack and front basket, footrest and a compact pump for emergencies. There is one nuance that raises a lot of questions for the manufacturer – the weight of the bike (especially for women). After all, the steel frame and rims make a difference.
  • MTR Canyon. A model of mountain bike on a steel frame and 26-inch wheels with aluminum rims. The bike comes with a 21-speed transmission and mechanical disc brakes. The bike is unlikely to withstand aggressive riding in the mountains, fields and forest trails, but will cope with light off-roading for sure. The model features an attractive design and an affordable price (around 12 thousand rubles).
  • MTR Phantom 26. Another model of bike from the Russian brand, assembled on a steel frame. Although the 26-inch wheels with steel rims provide a good ride, but appreciably weight the already heavy weight of the bike. You can buy a Phantom 26 for 11-12 thousand. By replacing a few elements of bike on more high-quality components, you can get for such money quite a reliable companion for walks on rough terrain.
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There is another running model that is the MTR Vernon. The bike is also assembled on a steel frame and is equipped with budget entry-level equipment. Distinctive features of the bike – a stylish exterior and affordable price (about 8,000 rubles).

Recommendations for choice

If you decide to buy the most ordinary bicycle, without gimmicks, attachments professional level and other “bells and whistles”, bicycles from the Russian brand MTR – this is what you need. Reasonable price, attractive appearance and basic configuration – what else to expect from the two-wheeled transport? In addition, if you have the opportunity to upgrade a little bike, you can get quite a suitable unit, which will serve for several seasons.

MTR selection

What to look for when choosing a suitable model? Consider the following nuances:

  • Weight of the bike. Most MTR models are assembled on steel frames. This means that the average weight of the bikes is 17 kg. If you – a fragile girl or a schoolboy, perhaps you should consider lighter copies. Especially if you have to lift the bike up the stairs or carry it over obstacles.
  • Completion. The presence of additional accessories in the form of a trunk or front basket – good for urban models. As for mountain bikes, they are simply not needed there. Pay attention to the smooth running of all mechanisms and the clarity of gear shifting. It is possible that serious defects will make themselves felt literally immediately after purchase.
  • Quality of welds and assembly. Very doubtful item in the context of the conversation about MTR company. No, we are not saying that the products of the Russian brand are of frankly low quality. But wait for high rates of wear resistance and durability is really not worth it. Nevertheless, when buying pay attention to the quality of welds and the state of the paint coating.

Owners of MTR bikes claim that Russian bikes can be brought up to speed by equipping the bike with better equipment. This means that with the owner’s approach to a two-wheeled friend, you can buy a faithful companion, which will easily overcome off-road and feel confident in an urban environment.


The products of the Russian company MTR do not claim to be the best in a particular segment. The manufacturer offers the most ordinary bikes at a price that is affordable to every consumer. MTR bikes are a budget category of bikes on which you can ride around town, get to work or school, go shopping and close to home to keep your body in good shape.

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Comments: 1
  1. Hazel Brooks

    Great post! It’s so helpful to have all the different varieties and best models of mtr bicycles laid out in one place. I’m sure this will be really useful to anyone looking to buy a new bike.

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