Land Rover bicycles – features, best models

There are bike brands that a limited number of people know about. And then there are brands that every other person knows their name. But the most interesting thing is that today we will talk not about a bicycle brand, but about a mastodon of the automobile industry, which has also become a manufacturer of original and high-quality bikes.

Land Rover bike – have you ever heard of it? If not, then make a cup of aromatic coffee or tea and get ready for a fascinating review of popular models and specifications of bikes. Today we will talk about why the British car manufacturer suddenly decided to expand its product range and what it managed to achieve in this field.

Land Rover brand description

Land Rover logo

It is difficult to find a person who would not have heard of such a brand as Land Rover. The British company is known for its reliable vehicles, which demonstrate excellent off-road performance, excellent handling and dynamic maneuverability. And once (specifically – in 2004), the leadership of the automobile concern considered that it would be nice to expand the range of products and add to the catalog a couple of original bicycles. This, by the way, is what the German brand did in its time, releasing a line of expressive Audi bicycles.

The first presentation of Land Rover bicycles on alloy wheels took place at the Geneva Motor Show. In 2004, the bright minds of the company, responsible for its dynamic development, decided that to draw attention to its products it was necessary to release a line of eccentric bicycles. And, it must be said, they succeeded. In 2004, the release of a few bikes as part of an advertising campaign turned into a full-scale project.

J. Mc Govern had a hand in creating the first Land Rover bikes – the chief designer of the company was involved in the development of the first Land Rover road bike, which was presented to a wide audience at the Geneva Motor Show.

The well-known car brand did not change its principles and in the new role – unshakable reliability, original design and unobtrusive elements of chic – Land Rover bikes on alloy wheels can impress not only the fans of the famous brand.

Marketers did not think long about the names of the lines, and used familiar to many car names to divide the bikes into appropriate categories. Functional purpose, features of frame geometry and equipment – the main principles of classification.

Features .

There are quite a few of them in the arsenal of Land Rover. And this is not surprising, because in the history of its existence, the brand has managed to acquire useful acquaintances, good friends and very valuable connections. Therefore, to create bicycles were involved prominent designers, brilliant designers and engineers who managed to create a truly unusual bicycles (expensive, though).

No matter how hard popular and oldest cycling brands try, but few of them can boast unique frame technology, on which not just anyone, but Formula 1 engineers worked. Land Rover can. The ultralight carbon fiber frame is made by Karbona.

Cast rims on almost all models are another feature that sets Land Rover’s bicycle products apart from other brands. This element improves the already excellent aerodynamic properties of the projectile, as well as increasing maneuverability and handling of the bike. Shapes of discs are varied: curved, radial, straight. This is not your usual 26-28 spokes, and 5-6 futuristic blades, which certainly will attract the attention of others.

Indeed, Land Rover bicycles can’t help attracting attention. True, alloy wheels have a downside of the coin – this element increases the weight of the bike (about 1 kg) and its cost. In addition, the presence of alloy wheels does not the best effect on the scope of the bike – with a steep mountain on a mountain Land Rover is better not to go down.

This is interesting! At one time, bicycles with cast wheels were often used in racing disciplines on closed tracks – this design element allowed significantly increasing speed performance. However, because of the high level of injuries the International Cycling Federation has banned the use of bicycles with these wheels.

And a couple more distinctive features of the famous British manufacturer:

  • Outstanding design.
  • Branded “gizmos” that distinguish Land Rover bicycles from competitors (chrome parts, leather saddles, etc.).
Read also Audi Bicycles – History, Varieties

Each time, preparing an updated catalog for the season, Land Rover engineers and designers involve professional athletes to test models. Thus, the company collaborates with the Sky team (participant of the Tour de France). And in 2008 Land Rover Motor Group has developed a new line of bicycles, designed for the Russian consumer. In general, despite the automobile specialization, Land Rover is actively winning the hearts of cyclists and confidently moving towards its goal.

Bicycle lines and main characteristics

Land Rover children's bicycle

The British company offers a fairly wide range of bicycles of any orientation. The catalogs include:

  • children’s and teenage models;
  • mountain and road bikes;
  • women’s bikes;
  • folding models;
  • universal bikes for city routes.

Virtually every member of the Land Rover lineup boasts unmatched design and light weight for dynamic riding.

A significant advantage of each model is smoothly working brake system. If the brakes, it is only a mechanical disc or hydraulic. Land Rover mountain bike models are equipped with aluminum forks and spring and oil shock absorbers with adjustable stiffness. Some models boast double shock absorption, making them the best machines for overcoming off-road.

The company uses only advanced technology and high quality components in the manufacturing process of reliable bikes. More often than not, well-known manufacturers are involved in assembling the bikes, such as:

  • Shimano (gear shifters, brake system);
  • Tectro ( brake components);
  • Suntour, Cross Trekking, Sity Comfort (forks and cranks);
  • Innova, Kenda (tires and tires);
  • Formula (eccentric hubs).

Land Rover bicycles are the epitome of style and tradition, which ultimately encourages everyone to lead an active lifestyle. The frames of the bikes are custom made from 7005 grade carbon fiber and aluminum, which ensures that the entire structure is lightweight. Despite the lightweight components, the Land Rover bike is capable of handling up to 160 kg.

Top models

G4 Challenge

On the design features of bicycles of the famous brand can be talked about endlessly. But it is better to look at a few of the most striking representatives of the model range, so as to make sure of their perfection:

  • Ginte x800. The bike is available in black, white, yellow and blue colors. It is a folding model that can be transported by car or any other vehicle. The design quickly disassembles to a compact size and just as quickly put back together, which is very convenient for those who do not want to leave your bike alone (for obvious reasons), prefers to store it at home or in the driveway. The bike is equipped with mechanical disc brakes and transmission with 21 gears. The diameter of the wheels is 26 inches. The bike is available in two versions: with spokes and with cast inserts to match the color of the body. Bike is designed for a rider of 155-190 cm in height and body weight of up to 120 kg.
  • G4 Challenge. A relatively young model with an exclusive design that conquered the hearts of true “gourmets”. The bike is presented in black, red, yellow and white. Assembled bike on an aluminum frame of high quality alloy. Suspension is adjustable, there are several modes, which allows you to maneuver on different types of pavement. Disc brakes combined with a Bolids caliper provide confidence even on the steepest descents. Dual Tianen 3D shock absorbers are responsible for comfort during off-road riding. Wide wheels with an aggressive tread pattern NavigateX4 are made of high-quality material that is resistant to various mechanical damages. The model is available in different modifications: for teenagers, women and men. Bicycle length: 110-160, 140-175, 160-195 cm.
  • G4 Best. Folding model with 26-inch wheels, available in black, red, yellow, orange, white and blue colors. This is one of Land Rover’s most successful models, and it demonstrates excellent Cross-country—what-it-is–nuances performance on almost any terrain. The 21-gear transmission delivers crisp shifts thanks to the XCM Santour mechanism. Equipment bike allows the rider to switch to rear or front wheel drive, which provides the most suitable mode with regard to the road surface and physical capabilities. Can be owned by cyclists between 155 and 190 cm tall.
  • Trike. Stunningly cute model for the youngest riders, designed for kids from 2 years. The bike is available in red, blue and gray colors. Like all Land Rover bicycle products, Trike has a stylish design that is sure to be appreciated by the younger generation. Bicycle is assembled on a strong and light steel frame, equipped with wide and stable wheels with quality tires. The pedals are wide, which allows the kid to confidently hold his feet and spin towards adventures and new horizons. This is a durable model that will help more than one kid learn to ride a bike. Approximate cost – 9 000 rubles.
  • Child. Another children’s model, designed for kids aged 6 to 10 years. The bike is available in red, black and yellow colors. There are variations in terms of drivetrain as well: the line has models with 21, 24, 27 and 30 speeds. Mechanical disc brakes provide confident control of the bike regardless of the surface and the specifics of skiing. Aluminum fork adjusts to the weight of the child, allowing you to increase the stroke if necessary. Approximate cost of the model – 26 000 rubles.
  • Kids. Again, a children’s bike, designed for teenagers 8-13 years weighing up to 60 kg. Available in black, red, yellow and white. Transmission from Shimano for 2 gears, disc brakes, spring and oil fork with a stroke of 70 mm – the basic equipment of teenage models. 20-inch wheels with cast wheels provide good Cross-country—what-it-is–nuances ability and manageability of the bike. Lightweight aluminum pedals allow your child to learn riding skills faster, and ergonomically shaped rubber grips on the handlebars make it safe to ride with friends in the park. Approximate cost – 23 000 rubles.
  • Experience Sport Disc. The basic package bike, assembled on a light-alloy aluminum frame, includes mechanical disc brakes, gearshift system from Shimano, 26-inch wheels and the original leather saddle. Approximate price – 50 000 rubles.
  • Land Rover Electric Bike. Electric bike, presented to a wide audience in 2019. The original design harmoniously hides the battery in the rack under the saddle. Range reaches 50 km, if the cyclist slightly helps the engine by turning the pedals. Technically, the bike is not inferior to full-sized models, and folding design allows you to compactly place the bike in the trunk of any passenger car.
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Speaking of the brightest representatives, it is impossible not to mention the Land Rover G4. This is a two-pod, assembled on a folding frame, able to withstand weight up to 160 kg. The frame is designed for the growth of the rider from 150 to 195 cm. Like many other models, G4 has a spectacular design and representative performance.

How much do Land Rover bikes cost

Of course, the toy is not from the category of cheap. These are status bikes, which eloquently testify to the financial capacity of its owner. However, we can not say that the consumer will have to pay a few thousand only for recognizable letters – the manufacturer can guarantee high quality assembly and the presence of a professional level dodger. Moreover, the company is ready to provide service for repair and maintenance of non-cheap bicycles, as well as to keep in touch with the buyer.

So still, how much do Land Rover bikes cost? According to current data from the company’s catalog, “amateur” mountain bikes will cost the buyer about 37,000 rubles, road models – from 35 thousand, universal bikes – from 38 thousand. There are quite a few exclusive offers in the catalog, where the price tag is consistently six figures. The most common bikes and teenage models from Land Rover cost around 20 thousand rubles.

How to distinguish the original from the fake

In no way do we want to offend our friendly country, but nevertheless China does not sleep. And today on the market you can see quite a lot of bicycles with the Land Rover logo at ridiculous prices. No, the manufacturer has not arranged the ride of unseen generosity – this is another batch of counterfeit, which made its way into the stores. So how can you tell the difference between the original Land Rover and the Chinese junk? We tell you what points you should pay attention to:

  • Price. The real “Land” can not cost less than 20,000 rubles. Especially if we are talking about a model for an adult cyclist – here the price tag starts with three dozen.
  • Only official representatives. You are unlikely to find an authentic Land Rover in a supermarket among the collection of “ashambikes“. Therefore, you should buy an expensive bike at official dealers or in stores where you can get all the certificates of quality and compliance.
  • Fork. Pay attention to this design element. The original component always looks good, without causing a single drop of doubt.
  • Frame. Unscrupulous manufacturers may try to pass off the frame of ordinary metal for a lightweight aluminum alloy. In this case, take a magnet with you.
  • Shimano. The logo of a well-known manufacturer of components should be on the derailleurs and under the handlebars of bicycles. Fake copies have it either absent at all, or applied in the form of a sticker.
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Assess the overall condition of the bike. As a reminder, Land Rover is not just a well-known name, but truly quality bicycles that demonstrate excellent technical characteristics.


Land Rover bicycles are a successful attempt by the car brand to attract even more attention to itself. Car owners have long appreciated the reliability, comfort and endurance of technology. Now they have been joined by cyclists, who speak positively about the British company’s bicycles.

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