How to open a bicycle combination lock: ways

Sooner or later any cyclist will encounter a common problem: how to open a bicycle combination lock, and in particular, how to properly pick your own bicycle combination…

Caliper for bicycles: device, what is it for

It is no secret that the bicycle is a safe and environmentally friendly transport, the riding of which is good for health. However, his simple (at first glance)…

How to remove rust from handlebars and bike chain

Improper storage, improper care and improper use of your bike can cause your bike to become corroded over time. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon that affects almost…

How to change a shift cable on a bicycle

Parts of two-wheelers wear out over time, so replacing the shift cable on your bicycle is one of the most common repairs. When you find a breakdown, you…

Bicycle couplers: varieties and installation

Bicycles travel long distances and it is therefore important to be sure that your vehicle is in good technical condition when you set out. Accessories can increase the…

How to prepare your bike for the summer season

Winter is tiring, and in the last days of February you want to grab your bike, shake off the dust, and ride off into the sunset. However, the…

How to adjust the front derailleur on a bike

A bicycle, like any other vehicle, requires proper care and timely maintenance. Any part can fail at the most inopportune moment. To prevent this from happening, you should…

Ways to preserve a bicycle for the winter

As life shows, most cyclists, when the first frost arrives, simply put the bike away from sight and forget about it until spring arrives. Why don’t we preserve…

Planetary hub for bicycles: operation and installation

Cycling brings a lot of benefits and pleasure, but it also requires responsible training, skill and endurance. And most importantly, the bike must be equipped with the most…

What to do when the bike chain comes off

The bicycle is a unique means of transportation available to everyone. Many people choose it because it has a positive effect on human health and does not pollute…