A bicyclist, like any other road user, must strictly obey the traffic rules, as well as know the rules of the road, that is, be familiar with the signs, one of which is the sign “bicycle lane”. Unfortunately, not all Russian cities have specially designated places designed for the unimpeded movement of two-wheeled vehicles. But now the infrastructure for cyclists is becoming more developed, so you should get acquainted with the sign that marks specially designated places for cycling.
What does the bike lane sign mean?
A bike lane is a designated area on a shared road for bicycle riders. Such lanes may be in parks, within the city limits, along the waterfront, etc. They can have their own markings, information signs and even separate traffic rules. They also have visual signs: they try to be highlighted by curbs, greenery, tiles of a different format, etc.
A special road sign indicates a dedicated lane for people riding bicycles. It is easily recognized by the schematic image of a classic bike model on a blue or blue background. Cars are not allowed into the bike lane, it is a designated area for other two-wheeled vehicles:
- scooters;
- mopeds;
- scooters;
- bicycles.
As a rule, the sign is made in the form of a blue circle, on which there is a schematic and clear image of a bicycle in white. The relevant sign identifies a separate section of the road intended for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles.
Types of signs
In the territory of Russia there are 3 types of road signs of direct relevance to cyclists:
- prescriptive or informational – 2 pcs;
- Warning – 1 pc.
An image on them can be duplicated on the asphalt or any other road surface.
What does it look like?
A prescriptive or informative sign indicating the presence of a bicycle lane looks as follows
- circular shape
- a blue background
- white outline;
- the picture shows a white bicycle.
As of December 2018, the traffic code introduced a concept such as “Bicycle Lane.” Externally, the sign looks like this: the white rectangle at the top has an inscription, and at the bottom a bicycle is drawn. The end of the bicycle lane is indicated by a crossed stripe of faucet color.
On the territory of the Russian Federation you can find another sign that is relevant to cyclists. It looks like this:
- triangular shape;
- white background;
- red outline;
- A black bicycle is depicted.
This designation indicates the intersection of a road and a bicycle road. It advises car drivers to skip moving traffic, i.e. a bicycle, scooter or scooter.
Where it occurs.
The “bicycle lane” sign is installed on a specific section of the roadway on which the corresponding vehicle, i.e. a bicycle, is moving. There are several types of signs:
- With one-way traffic – on one or both sides of the roadway.
- Two-way – most often found in areas where bicyclists frequently pass through (such as areas where there are recreational parks or other recreational facilities).
- If the bicycle lane also implies the movement of pedestrians, then next to the bicycle may be depicted also a man.
- A self-contained one is already a full-fledged bicycle lane with the appropriate attributes.
A separate lane for cyclists may be separated by a buffer zone.
What rules to follow
As we have already said, the cyclist, as well as any other traffic participant, must comply with certain rules to prevent the creation of an emergency situation on the roads. The driver of two-wheeled vehicles must know several general requirements that apply to all road users, as well as a number of individual ones. According to the traffic rules, the road user is obliged to:
- Ensure the technical condition of the vehicle.
- Appear on the road only in a sober state.
- Observe the traffic rules and do not create emergency situations.
As for drivers of bicycles they are obliged to inform other traffic participants of “their plans” for the near future, i.e. when turning to signal with the corresponding devices or to inform drivers of the forthcoming maneuvers with the extended or lifted hand.
Order of movement and speed
First of all, it is worth noting that people over the age of 14 can ride a bicycle on pedestrian or bicycle lanes. Their movement is regulated by the traffic rules. In the absence of a dedicated lane or sidewalks, it is allowed to move on the right edge of the roadway.
Given that the cyclist is much slower than the car, it is not recommended that they enter the minimum speed limit zones.
For violation of the traffic rules, there is administrative responsibility, according to which you may receive a fine:
- Violation of traffic rules without aggravating consequences – 800 rubles.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol – from 1000 to 1500 rubles (at the discretion of the inspector).
- Infringement of traffic rules which resulted in minor bodily injuries – from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
In each specific case, the amount of the fine is set on an individual basis. It should be understood that due to the fault of the cyclist, there may be a serious accident where people may suffer. Therefore, riding out on the road, it is necessary to be extremely careful and strictly comply with the traffic rules.
A person who actively uses a bicycle in everyday life, must know the traffic regulations, as well as know the road literacy to distinguish between certain signs and conventions. This is important not only for their own safety, but also for the comfortable movement of other people.