How much you can ride a bicycle in a day

For some reason this question interests many cyclists. And really, how much can you ride a bicycle in a day? We are not going to talk about professional athletes who have been training for several years and have a lot of experience under their belt, but about ordinary people who decided to conduct an experiment without any special physical training. It may seem a silly question to someone, but we should not forget that cycling is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, summer is ahead, which means that there will be brave guys who will certainly want to go on a trip on bikes. Just for them this information will be useful, because the route and duration of the trip depends on it. So, today we will find out how much you can ride a bike in a day without preparation.

The distance in a day

cycling distance per day

It is clear that the distance that a cyclist can ride in a day without preparation depends on several factors. It also matters the model of the bike, its technical characteristics, ergonomics and equipment. A great role is played by the physical fitness of the cyclist, as well as the road surface. Do not forget about the weather conditions and other things that can happen on the road.

The world record belongs to Marko Balo of Slovenia, who was able to ride 890 kilometers in 24 hours. The average speed is 40 kilometers per hour. Information about the record holder is scarce. Rumor has it that the cyclist covered the distance without a single stop. What about natural needs?

Let’s leave professional athletes and talk about ordinary people who can go on a bicycle trip next summer. How many kilometers can you ride a bike in one day? Experienced cyclists say that an untrained person who regularly rides for a few weeks to 30-60 minutes every day, can easily overcome a distance of 50 kilometers. This figure is very relative and not categorical. We derived it based on the fact that an untrained person can spend three hours in the saddle pedaling. So count it, taking into account the time to stop, rest, natural needs, etc. Once that distance doesn’t seem like a fantastic figure, you can move on to longer distances.

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Averages for amateur cyclists

A beginner can ride 15 kilometers and never get on a bike again. More experienced cyclists can easily cover a distance of 100 kilometers or more in a day. Again, the length of the route depends on many factors, chief among which is the physical fitness of the person and the technical characteristics of the bicycle. So, for a beginner who has never traveled long distances, a distance of 20-25 kilometers is very good result. The fact that the calf muscles get tired quickly, so after 10-15 kilometers a person has an irresistible desire to take a break.

People who regularly ride a bicycle and spend 30-60 minutes a day in the saddle can easily cover a longer distance – about 50 kilometers. And those who specifically train and regularly travel by bicycle can easily cover 100 kilometers or more. It is clear that after such exertion the body needs rest.

Physical fitness

optimum muscle strain when cycling

Nowadays, cycling is gaining serious momentum. More and more people are moving to the bicycle. The reasons are obvious: saving money and time, optimal load on the muscles and cardiovascular system, prevention of joint diseases, as well as moderate gymnastics for the lungs. Despite all these benefits, we should not forget about the side effects: the bicycle is not as harmless as it is presented. Many athletes at the dawn of their career have serious problems with their joints. Therefore, an untrained person in any case should not try to ride the longest possible distance.

To understand how many kilometers you can ride a bike in one day, start small. Before setting such experiments, you need to have at least minimal experience and a good bike. Do not try to develop the maximum speed: this is the mistake of beginner cyclists. You will get tired very quickly and will not be able to overcome even half of the intended route. Roll with a comfortable speed for you, watch the breath and give the body time to rest. Then you can ride a lot more miles.

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With the experience of regular rides at a moderate speed, a good bike, adjusted to the particular driver, and an irresistible desire to increase the distance, you can easily in a few weeks to pass 100 kilometers. By the way, for many this is the so-called psychological barrier. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Imagine you are already quite an experienced cyclist, who rides 50 kilometers, rests and has a snack, and then goes back. There you have the desired 100 kilometers.

The specifics of the trip

cycling at night

It’s one thing to ride 100 kilometers, take a shower, eat and go to bed. It’s quite another thing to make a few stops along the way to take pictures, eat something, check your gear, etc. Do not forget about the road surface, weather conditions and physical preparation. Planning to overcome a certain number of kilometers per day, you need to take into account a lot of factors. For example, the speed of a cyclist at night is reduced for obvious reasons. If you are moving on rough terrain or uphill, the speed will also be reduced, and as a result, you can ride a lot less.

Safety precautions

The most important thing in trying to set a personal record is to be prudent. Remember that an unprepared body will not be able to cope with a large load. In addition, you need to take into account the settings of the bike and adjust the bike to your parameters. Improper positioning of the body in the saddle and pedaling can lead to serious problems with the knee joints and spine. Here it is better to ask a professional athlete to help you adjust your bike properly. Remember that you should not put pressure on the pedals – you should rotate them, but not with your joints, but with your muscles.

Another way to hurt your knees is to use the wrong gears. For example, some cyclists, going uphill or facing a headwind, do not reduce the gear on the bike, explaining that in this way they pump muscles. But in fact, such a ride harms the knees.

Recommendations .

Before you go on a long bike ride, adjust your bike and begin to prepare your body for the strain, gradually increasing the distance covered. Never strive to ride to exhaustion. It’s better to take a break and ride with renewed vigor.

Read also How and where to store your bike in winter


Cycling is a great way to keep your muscles toned, get rid of excess weight, and improve cardiovascular and respiratory health. But in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and personal records need to be cautious. To overcome for a day the distance of 100 or more kilometers is quite possible, but it should be done only when your body is ready for serious stress. In addition, do not forget that it is necessary to pass such distances on a good bike, which is adjusted to the parameters of the driver.

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Comments: 1
  1. Kimberly Hale

    This is an interesting topic! It really depends on the individual, their level of fitness, and how long they have been cycling for. However, it’s great to know that with proper training and determination you can really push yourself to see how far you can go in a day!

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