How to transport a dog on a bicycle: the best ways

Cyclists are cheerful and sociable people. Often, in addition to their faithful iron friend, they also have a four-legged companion who does not want to part with his master for even a moment. Today we will raise the topical issue of how to transport a dog on a bicycle, and when such a need may arise. It is worth to stress at once that you should not get addicted to riding in the company of a four-legged friend, and you should transport your pet on a bicycle only when it is absolutely necessary.

When to transport a dog on a bicycle

When it is worth transporting a dog on a bike

Situations are not as few as they may seem at first glance. Let’s start with those who openly like to bike with their dogs: such people are quite common. Especially now that almost everyone has their own blog or YouTube channel, where you can post funny videos with pets. There are times when a pet needs to be taken to the vet. In this case, too, information on how to transport a dog on a bicycle comes in handy. And that’s not all: there are people who, due to their busyness, cannot devote enough time to their four-legged friend, so a joint walk on the bike is the best way out of the situation. In principle, there are different cases when you need to take your pet with you. We will not go into them, but rather find out what are the ways of transporting animals on a bicycle, convenient for both the pet and its owner.

Ways to transport a dog on a bicycle

Here, it all depends on the size of the animal and its attitude towards such walks:

  1. Dogs like a Labrador, collie, Rottweiler, etc., are likely to be more than happy to just run alongside the bike.
  2. Smaller breeds may not like it, as they are timid and don’t need the hard physical exertion.

Bike carrying options are worth considering. There are special baskets for pets, which are also convenient for carrying luggage. There are seats for dogs and cats, you can use slips for small children, in which small dogs feel great. Let’s look at each option in more detail for the pros and cons of each.

Bike basket

dog bike basket

Pretty convenient and the most common way to transport dogs. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. So the animal is in the front, which is very convenient for the owner.
  2. In a special basket, the dog feels more confident, because it can be placed both standing and sitting.
  3. The bike basket can be used not only for transporting pets: bags and other luggage of appropriate size can be placed in it.

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Most often such baskets are made of plastic or woven from vines. Most models can support a weight of up to 12 kg. The design of bicycle baskets for transporting pets includes a protective mesh on top. In addition, some models are equipped with special straps that can securely fix the pet. If the basket does not have soft pads and covers for the bottom and walls, they should make their own hands, since the mesh bottom can be uncomfortable for the pet. Such baskets are attached to the handlebars or trunk. Small dogs are better transported at the front. Larger animals, on the other hand, are more comfortable in a basket attached to the back.

Bike carrier

The design of such carriers is similar to baskets. Bags are also attached to the handlebar or trunk. They are made of synthetic materials, which have high strength and durability. Most models are equipped with fastening straps for the pet and its owner, which allows you to carry the pet in a comfortable way. It should be said that the bag has some advantages compared to the basket. For example, it is made of soft materials, which means that you do not have to look for something to put under for the comfort of the pet. In addition, almost all models are equipped with additional pockets or compartments where you can put food, drink and necessary accessories for the pet. And most importantly, you can carry your pet with you if necessary, just like in a regular bag.

Bike trailer

bike trailer for a dog

Quite an interesting device for transporting a dog. It is advisable to buy it for large breeds and real travelers who lead an active lifestyle and do not sit in one place. In fact, it is an ordinary trailer that attaches to the back of the bike. For the animal, it is a full-fledged “house on wheels”, spacious and comfortable enough for travel and for short-term accommodation. Such models are equipped with mesh windows for air circulation, additional pockets for useful little things, are made of wear-resistant and durable material, and are also equipped with other features of a four-legged passenger. It is worth noting that with this trailer bike will be less fast and maneuverable. But your pet will feel comfortable and safe.

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Bicycle saddle

Let’s say at once that you can not buy it so easily. The fact is that the innovative design was invented relatively recently in the U.S. and has not yet received a significant spread. A bicycle saddle allows you to transport your pet directly on the bicycle frame. The device is designed with the anatomy of the animal in mind, so the dog will feel very comfortable in such a saddle.

Bike Springer

A special leash for dogs that minimizes any possible inconvenience associated with transporting your pet on a bicycle. The design is equipped with a tow bar, which is attached to the clamp by means of threads. There are no restrictions regarding installation: you can attach it to the frame, handlebars, trunk and on any model of bike. Bike springer reduces the chance of loss of balance in case your pet suddenly spots a cat or is startled by a passing car.

Backpack and sling carry

A backpack for transporting a dog on a bicycle

Not a bad way to transport a pet, has its advantages and disadvantages. It is only important to choose a model that is equipped with straps that securely fix the pet. Keep in mind that the dog may try to get out of such a carrier in case of danger. So choose a model with your pet’s size and behavior in mind. This transport option is suitable for bikes that cannot be fitted with a basket or bag.

How not to transport a dog

How not to transport a dog

Some people mistakenly believe that it is possible to transport a dog in a regular grocery basket, which is attached to the bike. But it’s not. And here’s why:

  1. Its size most often does not match the parameters of the animal.
  2. It is designed to carry things that are quite comfortable there. Delicate breeds, and small dogs, will be uncomfortable and unsafe in such baskets. The mesh bottom can traumatize paw pads and cause anxiety for your pet while cycling.
  3. Food baskets do not have a protective lid, and any pet can get scared and jump out of it.

The most dangerous way to transport a dog is on your lap or in your arms. In this position, the animal is unlikely to sit quietly. Do not exclude the possibility of unforeseen situations on the road.

When a dog is afraid of a bike

On the streets of European cities, you can often see cyclists who ride with their pets. Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, decorative rabbits and even parrots feel comfortable and seem to get great pleasure from such walks. So it’s worth getting your pet used to the bike from an early age: it’s best to start with short walks, leading your puppy and bike by your side. Over time, you can try to ride and observe the pet.

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If an adult dog flatly refuses to get into a basket or trailer, do not scold the animal under any circumstances, but try leading it alongside you on a leash or springer. Don’t forget to give your pet a treat: this will get him used to this method of transportation faster.


When choosing which carrier to use for transporting your dog on his bike, remember that your pet needs to be comfortable and don’t forget about safety precautions. In particular, choose a design that has special straps to further secure your dog. If your dog prefers to run next to you, get a springer, as it’s safer than a leash and will keep you from falling when your dog gets scared or runs forward. Train your dog on these walks and special commands.

Conclusion .

If you have a bicycle and a dog, you are a happy person who definitely leads an active lifestyle. Such walks establish a strong bond between the owner and the pet, keep the body toned and fit, as well as energize the pet with energy and positivity.

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