Bikepacking - what it is, pros and cons of bikepacking bags

The route is chosen, the bike is prepared, and the list of necessary things is made. Now cyclists must think of how to pack and load the stuff…

Bicycle handlebar winding - what is it for, instructions

The steering wheel is one of the most important elements of steering. Not everyone realizes the importance of handlebar wrapping. It is not uncommon for cyclists to put…

Winter clothing for cyclists - a selection of winter gear

The stereotype that summer is the season for bicycles and winter for skates and sledges is outdated. Professionals urge: do not hide your two-wheeled “horse” in the closet…

Cyclist's equipment - what you need, list

In the spring of 2002, news exploded in the media space. On the slope of the Cerro Negro volcano in Nicaragua there was an accident. Eric Baron, a…

Bicycle reflectors - what they are, types and recommendations

Riding a bicycle brings a lot of pleasure, improves health and expands horizons, but this mode of transport carries with it a danger, especially at dusk and at…